
Jane! Get me off this crazy thing!

I�ve not updated in 10 days because there really hasn�t been much to say. My outlook on current events is depressing and I�m trying to keep this thing from becoming a web-based bitchfest.

Ian is thinking of changing the direction of his career and as he takes his �career� so very seriously this has caused a wee bit o� drama but I�m being as supportive as I can possibly be�at least I think I am. Who knows? Someday this crap will be worked out and I can quit thinking about it so much.

School is school; learning programming languages in a 5-week span is not hard. I need to just realize that I am currently buying my undergrad. If I actually want to learn any of this stuff, I�m just going to have to do it on the job. I have stopped caring really. If I learn it great! If not then I�ve always got my books to fall back on. Or I could just keep on going to school�.ack, I don�t think I can handle grad school.

Next week we start to learn Java�I have to whip up a little timekeeping database in Java as my homework. I could only get my currency convert in C to run once and my teammate Barney did all the hard coding. All I did was write the printf statements. For those of you who were like me and didn�t take programming in high school, a printf statement is the EASIEST thing to learn. Apparently my brain isn�t cut out for higher-level computer thinking. Arrgh!

Ugh, focusing on the positive�.

I finally got a condo rented for Liz�s bachelorette party, that was a huge load of my mind. But now I need to get the $$$ from the rest of this motley crew of bridesmaids�I�m afraid that is going to take a bit more force than I had anticipated.

I�m going to KY over Easter and I�m really looking forward to it. Ian is going to stay here so it will give us a nice break from the shoebox. As far as moving, it looks like we�re going to stay put for at least another 6 to 8 months. Who knows, it could all change tomorrow. Maybe I�m just looking for the constant upheaval to stop. I think our lives have been in constant change since Feb 2002. When the roller coaster stops I am so very ready to get off.