
cold, flu & snow

Have I ever mentioned here that I really dislike snow? Well I do. I hate snow and my world is currently waist deep in it. This area is not equipped for 18.5 inches of snow. I come home from work on Friday and didn�t leave my apartment until Tuesday night around 5 pm. Insanity.

Ian started a new job on Monday and the lucky bastard gets to work from home! I was so jealous today when I had to dig out the snow boots and then pack on to the metro with the other 8 million working schulbs this morning. The unemployment only lasted 2 weeks. THANK GOD!

One good thing about all this snow is that I was sick with the flu the entire time. At least I didn�t have to use my sick days for actually being sick. Hate that. Sick days should be used for skipping work and going shopping or taking a mental health day.

My flu problem was why I didn�t finish my last 2 Feburarium entries, both of which I�m still working on�.I promise. The last two are hard. I�m not really comfortable with the racy entry so I�m thinking that will be left out but why I love? I�ve just got no idea. And the others that I�ve read have been so good that I just can�t comprehend my cruddy little essay being of any import. I�m hopped up on cold & flu meds�my last sentence didn�t make sense�that tells me it�s time to log off.