
denver trip #2

So I went to Denver last weekend to visit the friends and all in all I had a fun time. I have reestablished the belief that Denver is not really, �my kind of town�, as I am not all hikey-outdoorsy-granola girl�I have a cat for goodness sakes! Cat people do not stare longingly at mountain ranges and wish for snowy days so I can go snowshoeing with my dog�SNOWSHOEING! Feh, the whole concept of schlepping around in the snow is just plain foreign to me. If there is snow anywhere close to me I would like to be inside snuggled under a nice warm blanket drinking tea and reading a book. I would like to be inside reading a book under any weather conditions actually.

There were nice things about Denver; I got to see some nice peeps that I love. We ate large quantities of really good cheese and chocolate. Drank some damn fine beer and eat an amazingly yummy meatloaf. My friends in Denver are weird�weird in a different way from me, or I guess from they way they used to be� it is amazing how much people change when you don�t see them everyday.

More random thoughts on my weekend:

Fondue is a wonderful way to eat your dinner.

I highly recommend getting a professional facial if you have the chance.

Celestial Seasonings has a really cool factory tour, when in Boulder you should take it.

When you are in Denver you really need to rent a car as that place is HUGE and sprawling & they have only the bus for public transport.

They have a grocery store chain called King Soopers, which I find funnier than Piggly Wiggly.