
Pumpkin Festivals & Sniper Activity

Still hating the project management.

Still doing Operation: Foxxy.

Still waiting for the police to catch this crazy sniper.

I have a long weekend!!! No work for Minnie on Monday!!! It�s Columbus Day! WHOO! Thanks Chris!

My office is having a wine & cheese party today at 4. I�ve heard hateful rumors that the wine is faux wine�a.k.a. the non-alcoholic sparkling grape juice kind. Now what kind of treat is that? I call that a slap in the face my friends! I won�t stand for it! Faux wine�why even call it a wine and cheese party if you don�t serve real wine? Crazy.

I�ve had 3 cups of coffee today so I�m a wee bit wired. Since I gave up diet Pepsi, my caffeine tolerance is way down�the least bit of it and I�m all wacky. But I�m cracking myself up today so I�ll let it slide.

The plans for this weekend, if they aren�t canceled due to rain or excessive sniper activity in the Old Town area are as follows:

� Pumpkin Festival!

� Seeing White Oleander and Punch- Drunk Love

� A wee bit of GD project management homework

� Decorating the shoebox I call an apartment for Halloween, the king of all holidays

Sounds like a fun weekend doesn�t it? Have a fun weekend readers and if you are in the DC area�which I�m thinking your not�watch out for stands of trees near gas stations.