
soapbox surprise

What is so wrong with the Pledge of Allegiance? Having the words �under god� is forcing children to believe anything. If just mindlessly repeating a 2-word phrase is enough to make you feel uncomfortable as a kid then, you�ve got quite a long road ahead of you. It�s like when you are somewhere and they do a public prayer, should you not �believe� in god then don�t pray. Just stand there with your head held high and don�t do anything. Why is this an issue? I don�t believe in god but call me crazy it just sounds nice in the pledge. Maybe I�m just overly patriotic. I like the nostalgic trappings of being a �stupid American�. It helps me get through the day without an anxiety attack of what else could happen while I live so close.

I shall now step off the soapbox.

Speaking of �stupid American� traditions, I will be going to Vegas in September for some sinful (well sorta sinful) cavorting with the girls�and a few boys, just not mine. Ian, per usual, will be staying behind. He�s a big stick in the mud. At least I still have friends to party with, let�s hope that this is always the case and I don�t end up killing him when I�m 64 and bitter with my cats. J

I�ve been spreading the gospel of diaryland to some folks I know and they seemed shocked that I would have some sort of confessional like this and thought it was wrong that you could just read someone else�s diary. I told them they must have something to hide or they wouldn�t mind much. Besides, I think there are only 2 MAYBE 3 people who are reading this thing�. and it�s so much easier to speak your mind in this format. At least for me, I don�t have the second guessing problem when I�m typing. My true feelings about things just spill out through the fingertips.

And it saves a lot in therapy bills�